Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hair Loss Solution

Natural Hair Loss Solution

Thanks to pollution and all the chemicals, one of the main problems, we face these days is hair loss. No one wants to be bald. Everyone is looking for a good remedy to this problem.

Some use hair growing serum where as some prefer to go for a hair transplant. But other than that, some herbal remedies can prevent hair fall. The best part about the natural remedy is that they are easy to apply and less expensive.







To prevent hair loss you can use particular herbs and the leaves of plants. One such leaf is henna. Apply henna paste on the scalp and leave it for an hour. Wash it off and do not forget to use shampoo. Make sure no residue is left on the scalp. This strengthens the roots of the hair and prevents hair loss.

If you do not have the time to apply henna, then you can try this easy remedy. Boil some rosemary leaves in two glasses of water. Filter the water and store it in a container. The container has to be of glass. Wash your hair with that water everyday.

Another remedy is the mixture of cumin and olive oil. Make a mixture of half a cup of olive oil and one tablespoon of cumin. Massage the oil on the scalp. Keep it for half hour and then wash it off.

The next remedy that I have does not involve applying anything to the scalp or hair. Make a habit of having a cocktail of spinach and lettuce juice. Have it every other day if not everyday.

If you thought Aloe Vera gel was good for your skin only, think again. Apply some of this gel on both your scalp and hair. Keep it for at least one and a half hour. Then wash the hair with water.

If you have dry hair then the best remedy is the mixture of castor oil and almond oil. Take equal amounts of both the oils and mix it well. Warm the oil and then apply the mixture to the scalp. Do this at least once a week.

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